Winner / TV / Streaming > Network Branding

Category Description

A system of motion graphic elements intended to brand an entire television or streaming channel

Project Description

Nickelodeon, now in its 37th year, remains true to its original, core brand promise: Kids First.
Over the years we have expressed this idea in a number of ways, and we have tremendous
equity in the Kids First position. However, what has changed (and continues to change every
day) is what it means to be Kids First. The world moves quickly and kids are often leading the
movement. Kids are change agents, and to be a Kids First brand in today’s media environment
means something very different than it did just a few years ago. This content epitomizes being
true to kids in 2016/17 and expresses the Nickelodeon Kids First brand in this incredibly
surprising, exciting, volatile, no-two-days-the-same media landscape.


CCO Creative & Marketing: Kim Rosenblum
SVP Creative Director Art & Design: Michael Waldron
SVP Creative Director Brand: Tony Maxwell
VP Animation Director Motion GFX: Kurt Hartman
VP Art Director: Shannon Macneilage
VP Nick Brand Deisgn: Sandy Goijberg
VP Creative Director Brand: Erica Ottenberg
VP Project Manager: Adam Weiner
Sr. Director Production: Joseph Pappalardo
Producer: Tony Herman
Production Manager: Kate Brennan
Project Manager: Jon McNally
Graphics Manager: Marisa Bramwell

Principal Partner
Superestudio, Buenos Aires

Explosion Robinson
Original Music, Sound Design, & Sonic Branding